by Nikki-lyn Holm As we approach the sizzlin' Summer months, we tend to wear less fabric, put less on our calendars, and even a little less makeup on our faces.
While less is truly more, we should never lose the essence of our one accessory that goes with you wherever you go: your heart! With that being shared, I think it's important to model some classic Do's of a few Summer Soul Trends that should never fade or go out of style regardless of when a season ends or begins. 5 Summer Soul Trends To “Do” This Summer: 1 . SPF DO Apply this liberally to the skin. Sun Protection Formula...and for the soul? Smile. Pause. Family. Smile more. Smile at others. Pause. Relax. Pray. Physical exercise. Do a little less...It's summer! Enjoy the sun...vacation time. Enjoy your friends and family. Treasure your family!! Those 3 bold letters have multiple meanings. 2 . DO wear bring these important poolside/beach accessories when you are gearing up for the pool, beach, or your Summer vacation. Don't forget to pack extras of these timeless necessities... • A coverup of courage • A hat of happiness • A necklace of niceness • And all look best when you • add extra layers of love Ladies, this style is classic and kindness is always in fashion! 3. DO wear a stellar pair of empathy glasses when you don't understand someone or their choices. Keep an extra set with you at all times, right next to your go to designer sunglasses. Don't forget to block out the negativity and judgments too. 4. DO be mindful of how long you stay so you don’t wear out your welcome, because in the Summer we tend to visit more with family and friends. An ideal guest stays for about 3 days. Anything more, as my Grandfather used to say, the company starts to smell like fish. Keep it fresh and joyful. Short and sweet visits are the best! 5. DO Pack an extra deodorant in your purse...and don't forget the umbrellas or keep an extra "hair saver" in your purse or vehicle. When it rains it pours. Be prepared! We can go from sun to "no fun" in 2.2 seconds around here. Regardless of your beliefs ladies, I think we can all agree that the Proverbs 31 Woman is one who models a fashion statement to be respected and admired: ”She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
March 2021
AuthorsDebbie Gaylord. Archives
March 2021