Self Care is a word that gets thrown around a lot lately. I’m a Mom of 3 boys and I have this conversation with other Moms a lot. Self care…sounds great, but when am I going to find the time to practice this mystery art? We know we should take the time to take care of ourselves because when we do, it overflows to our children, our significant other, our jobs, etc. Unfortunately, it can become a constant cycle of I should, I will, maybe tomorrow, definitely next week…
The reality is, the struggle is real. We are huge advocates at the spa of self-care because we give so much to those around us, we need to replenish ourselves so I asked the staff at Skin & Body Center for their favorite Self Care Rituals. MASSAGE - The benefits of massage are amazing and research shows regular massage reduces stress and anxiety and helps you to sleep. YOGA - Yes, I know you love to wear your yoga pants but actually DOING yoga is really good for you too! DRY BRUSHING – It increases blood circulation, improves skin and drives toxins out of the body. It simply feels good and only takes a few minutes. FINDING JUST A FEW MINUTES OF ME TIME – this could mean savoring a cup of tea or taking a bath with oils and scrubs. EXERCISE – walking, running, group exercise, dancing. MEDITATION/QUIET TIME – take advantage of the early morning. Get up a few minutes early and have a quick meditation and set the day’s intention. READING FOR PLEASURE – it allows you to unplug from work, social media, stress and remain focused. GET OUTSIDE - gardening, working outside and going to beach are all things that can help you to relax and decompress. Just don’t forget the sunscreen! SKIN CARE RITUAL – you have to wash your face, so why not make it part of your self care ritual? Find skin care products that you love how they feel and smell. Breathe and take a few extra moments. SPEND TIME WITH A GOOD FRIEND – Your friendships are so essential to your spirit. Take the time to nurture those relationships. Bottom line is make time. Do little things every day that take care of you because you deserve it!
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December 2021