When it comes to covering hurricanes, the Action News Jax team has decades of experience to rely on. But when it comes to covering a global pandemic, they have about three months and counting. COVID-19 has impacted everyone’s lives, including how local TV stations report on this ever changing, dangerous virus. The challenge a news station encounters is how to get us the valuable information we need, without putting their people in harms way. “Our number one priority is the safety of our people. We have a journalistic duty to our viewers to report how the virus is impacting our communities, and that never waivers. But we won’t put our staffs in danger of exposure,” said Bob Longo, Vice President and General Manager of WFOX/WJAX. No one knows yet how long this pandemic will last, or if more global viruses will be on the rise in the future. But for now, Action News Jax is learning as they go in an effort to keep all of us informed and our families safe. Below are some behind-the-scenes personal notes from three Action News Jax anchors. Tenikka Hughes |
AuthorSt. Johns Magazine Archives
December 2024